mind balance

Meditation & Mindfulness

Let your thoughts be guided into one direction in the form of guided meditation that keeps your brain engaged by keeping it entertained. And slowly over the period of time, it falls to transport a different state of calm and peace. Often resulting in a Trance state.
And now you are meditating.

Woman of Contradictions

She is the one who celebrates life, and most importantly her identity is no more a tag of being a daughter, wife, or mother. She is an individual woman who is on a constant quest of being a happier human.

power of perception

Power of Perception

While countries were on lockdown, fancy cars were holding no power to impress friends or acquire pride, we certainly understood the value of our own immunity, the true horse power we possess.

Future Will Be Bright.

Little heart holds weight of secrets, emotions, & our complex situations. Still it never miss a beat. We just let it suffers. What to do right? Just immerse yourself in this read and then decide what to do.

How You Love Yourself ?

We must understand that the core of loving yourself is not about pampering yourself, exaggerating yourself not even just appreciating yourself.

Gratitude Diary For 2020

This Gratitude Note is not for you if*
#Others happiness makes you jittery.
#You are addicted to news channels.
#You are a Pessimist.
#Your favorite pastime is cribbing about life.

blessings in disguise

Blessings in Disguise

In daily lives we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful but grate-fullness that makes us happy. Think positive.

window and tulips

Easter- Ray of Hope

Today being Easter, a day everyone associates with hope, joy and the victory of good over evil.  It reinforces the thought process that every dark night ends with the bright sunshine.

Dance away fear - Anand Tandava

Dance away the Fear

In this time of pain and fear let’s rebuild ourselves. Let’s dance like Lord Shiva, like a s
Sufi and change vibrations of our beloved planet.